Labrador Retriever puppy for sale in Dundee, OH

    495 $


    Date : November 26, 2023
    Puppy Name : Ella
    Sex : Female
    Size : Large
    Birth Date : September 25, 2023
    Date Available : November 25, 2023
    Registration : AKC
    Location : Dundee, OH, USA

    Meet Ella, an exceptional female Labrador with AKC certification. She adores children, relishes snuggling, and boasts a delightful personality. Demonstrating the same family-friendly and intelligent traits as her parents, Ella is a testament to the outstanding qualities of her lineage. Both of her parents, Ice and Bell, are under our ownership and come from a distinguished pedigree featuring championship bloodlines.

    Ice, her father, is a renowned duck hunting star, accompanying my husband on hunting expeditions across the U.S. His prowess makes him a favorite among guides. On the other hand, Bell, Ella’s mother, serves as my son’s remarkable duck hunting companion and closest confidante.

    If you’re interested in meeting Ella in person, please let us know. It’s worth noting that Ella has a small umbilical hernia, which doesn’t require immediate attention. This minor issue can be easily addressed when she undergoes spaying.

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    Dundee, OH, USA
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